服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 求关于穿衣风格的英语对话每人10句以上


求关于穿衣风格的英语对话每人10句以上 我来答
关键词 潮流trend 赶潮流的trendy
宽松的衣服 loose clothes
追求个性 show off one’s personality
转对话 How about you / what do you think
舒适的comfortable 质量好的be of good quality
名牌 designer clothes
风格 style
sandal 凉鞋
sneaker 帆布鞋
10. For me, the quality of the clothes is just as important as the style.
宽松的衣服 loose clothes 追求个性 show off one’s personality 转对话 How about you / what do you think 舒适的comfortable 质量好的be of good quality 名牌 designer clothes 风格 style sportsshirt:运动衫 suit:西装 sandal 凉鞋 sneaker 帆布鞋 颜色:略 ...
01 Classic Sentences经典句子 01.What should I wear? 我应该如何着装? 02.Do I have to buy a new suit? 我需要买套新的西装吗? 03.What shoes should I wear? 我应该穿什么鞋子呢? 04.Must I buy new tie? 我需要买新条领带吗? 05.I love wearing jewelry.Can I...
Here are some of the alien pins that go on his turtlenecks that he wears in every episode. There is a reason behind it, but it's a secret.这里还有一些外星人别针,与他每集都穿的高翻领相配。这是有原因的,但我们得保密。Howard is a style on the show. He is very growing c...
关于明星穿衣风格的英语短文 ,随便哪位,最好有解释,急用
Xun Chou dressed in CHANEL,Paris - Edinburgh series of white crepe shirt and The newest winter fashion series of black and white skin umbrella skirt,appeared in the Raffles Hotel.周迅身着CHANEL 巴黎-爱丁堡系列白色绉纱衬衫搭配最新秋冬高级成衣系列黑白皮伞裙亮相在新加坡莱佛士酒店 ...