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卖衣服的创意广告语简短英语 我来答
时尚必备,我的衣柜你值得拥有。 —— Fashion must-have, my wardrobe is worth having.
穿上我们的衣服,让你的魅力无限放大。—— Put on our clothes and amplify your charm infinitely.
不只是衣服,更是一种态度。—— It's not just clothes, it's an attitude.
让衣服为你说话,展现自信和独特的个性。—— Let clothes speak for you, show confidence and unique personality.
我们的衣服,让你闪耀在人群中。—— Our clothes make you shine in the crowd.
穿上我们的衣服,让你成为最靓丽的风景。—— Put on our clothes and become the most beautiful scenery.
不只是一件衣服,更是一场时尚之旅。—— It's not just a piece of clothing, it's a fashion journey.
我们的衣服,让你的美丽与众不同。—— Our clothes make your beauty stand out from the crowd.
卖衣服的创意广告语:时尚必备,我的衣柜你值得拥有。 —— Fashion must-have, my wardrobe is worth having.穿上我们的衣服,让你的魅力无限放大。—— Put on our clothes and amplify your charm infinitely.不只是衣服,更是一种态度。—— It's not just clothes, it's an attitude.让衣服...
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英语作文 创意广告语80字
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这是一家名牌商品打折店。Outlets,let's Shopping OUT.品味,明智,奥特莱斯。