- Li-Ning branded was founded in 1990 by Li Ning, a former Chinese Olympic gymnast.
It products are targeted for consumers who participate in sports such as running, basketball, badminton, football, tennis and fitness. The company endorses a number of athletes and teams, both at home in China and abroad.
The official slogan of the company is ”让改变发生“ ”Ràng Gǎi Biàn Fā Shēng“ in Chinese, Translated to "Make The Change" in English.
Li-Ning produces shoes and sportswear, largely for the Chinese market. The company has seen explosive growth in shoe sales in the past several years. Li-Ning's major shoe lines include the "Flying Armor" series of basketball shoes and "Flying Feather" running shoes.
李宁品牌由中国钱奥运体操运动员李宁创立于1990年,他的产品主要针对那些想要参与如跑步、篮球、羽毛球、足球、网球和健身等体育运动的消费者。公司在国内及海外对一些运动员和运动队提供赞助。李宁的官方口号是“让改变发生”,翻译成英文为"Make The Change"。李宁主要针对中国市场生产运动鞋和运动服,在过去几年中,已显示出运动鞋销量的爆炸性增长。李宁运动鞋主打“飞箭”篮球鞋系列和”飞羽毛“跑鞋系列。
- 李宁的官方口号是“让改变发生”,翻译成英文为"Make The Change"。李宁主要针对中国市场生产运动鞋和运动服,在过去几年中,已显示出运动鞋销量的爆炸性增长。李宁运动鞋主打“飞箭”篮球鞋系列和”飞羽毛“跑鞋系列。纯人工翻译,希望能够帮到你~!有问题再追加哦!
- Li Ning (Simplified Chinese: 李宁; Traditional Chinese: 李宁; Pinyin: Lǐ Níng) is a well-known and well-respected Chinese gymnast and entrepreneur. He was born in a Zhuang family on September 8, 1963 in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China.Li gained his Bachelor of Laws and EMBA degrees ...
- Bronze 1984 Los Angeles All-around 李宁先生,41岁,本集团主席兼执行董事及李宁品牌创立人,主要负责制订本集团整体公司策略、规划及业务发展。李宁先生为二十世纪最杰出运动员之一。在一九八二年举行之第六届世界体操锦标赛,李先生夺得六面金牌,缔造世界体操坛历史,并获得中国"体操王子"美誉。于一九八四...
- 集团由李宁先生于一九八九年成立,主要从事李宁牌运动产品的品牌、研究、设计、制造、经销及零售业务。此外,集团亦参与国际体育品牌于中国市场的销售和推广,如KAPPA品牌。集团一直善用其广泛的分销网络,配合具效益的市场推广及活动赞助策略,令集团品牌受市场认同。在主流体育用品品牌中,李宁牌于消费者忠诚度、性能价格比及...
有个运动牌子的广告语,是anything is possible还是everything is possible?
- anything is possible(一切皆有可能)——李宁 “一切皆有可能”这句口号是李宁品牌在多年积累和完善后的结晶,是李宁品牌特有的广告词。从最早的“中国新一代的希望”到“把精彩留给自己”到“我运动我存在”、“运动之美世界共享”、“出色,源自本色”到现在的“一切皆有可能”,李宁品牌逐步积淀出它...