- Once upon a time,there was an emperor who loved wearing different clothes every day.从前,有一个热爱每天都穿不同服装的皇帝。One day,two cheats came into the country and said that they can provide a beautiful new clothe for the emperor.一天,两个骗子来到了这座国家并声称他们可以给皇帝提供一件美丽的新服装。They said that the clothe was so special that people couldn’t see it unless they were clever.他们说这件服装太特殊了以至于人们不能看到,除非他们是聪明的。In fact,they wanted to keep some of the emperor’s treasure for themselves,and they'll use nothing to make it.事实上,他们想要把皇帝的一些财富占为己有,并且他们不将用材料来制作。However,the emperor believed them without thinking twice and give them many golds and silks.然而,皇帝没有多想就相信了他们并给了他们许多金币和丝绸。After they finished making the clothe,they told the emperor. 在他们做完新服装后,他们告诉了皇帝。Then he took off all the clothes he wore and put on the new one.然后他脱光了他穿着的衣服并穿上了新服装。When the emperor saw himself in front of the mirror,he only saw his underwear.当皇帝在镜子前看到他自己时,他只看到了他的内裤。He didn’t want other people to know he’s a stupid emperor,so he told the cheats that the new clothe was very beautiful.他不想要别人知道他是一个愚蠢的皇帝,所以他告诉骗子新服装非常美丽。After that,he walked through the most noisy street in the country to show people with his new clothe.之后,他步行穿过了国内最繁华的街道来给人们展示他的新服装。Although they didn’t see his new clothe,they all said that it was so wonderful because nobody wanted to sound stupid.尽管他们没有看到他的新服装,他们却都说新服装太精美了因为没人想要听起来愚蠢。But at last,a little boy told everyone about the truth bravely,"Look!The emperor isn’t wear any clothes at all!"但是最后,一个小男孩勇敢地向人们说出了事实:"看!皇帝根本没有穿任何衣服!"Then the emperor felt completely shocked and realized that he was cheated.然后皇帝彻底的感到震惊并意识到他被骗了。But to people’s surprise,he kept having the activity more seriously until it overed.但是令人们吃惊的是,他却更加严肃地坚持把活动举行到结束。
- 服装励志小故事1:藏在衣服里面的善良 家里新房刚装修,堆放在屋子里的装修垃圾,看着就惹人心烦。我去桥头的劳务市场,准备找人把垃圾清扫下楼。 刚到还未等我说话,一大帮人就倏地围了上来,争着抢着问我是不是要找人干活。 最终,我找了两个人,一个是脸上稍带稚气的小伙子,另一个是看起来朴实憨厚的中年男人。...
- 服装励志小故事 在繁华的都市中,有一个名叫李娜的女孩,她从小就怀揣着对服装设计的热爱和梦想。尽管家庭并不富裕,但她总是能从废旧物品中寻找到灵感,制作出别具一格的服饰。李娜的求学之路并不平坦。高中时,她的家庭经济状况恶化,她不得不在课余时间到服装店打工,以贴补家用。这段经历让她更加...
- 昨日收拾衣物,有几件大衣,原先是特别喜欢穿着也很淑女的那种,现在有两年已经没有穿了,一来因为买了的更喜欢的新款衣服,二来觉得那少女感十足的衣服,好像不太适合我这个妇人了。人都说:少女时是人挑衣,中年时是衣挑人。有些衣服不是这个年龄段的,穿着总觉得别扭,于是想着送与合适的主人。...
- Once upon a time,there was an emperor who loved wearing different clothes every day.从前,有一个热爱每天都穿不同服装的皇帝。One day,two cheats came into the country and said that they can provide a beautiful new clothe for the emperor.一天,两个骗子来到了这座国家并声称他们可以...
- 5. The tailors produced no clothing but pretended to finish the emperor's outfit.6. Naked, the emperor paraded through the city in his 'new clothes,' too ashamed to reveal his foolishness.7. The citizens, afraid to appear foolish, praised the non-existent garment.8. A young ...