服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 色彩搭配 » 你在不同季节穿什么衣服?英语5句话


你在不同季节穿什么衣服?英语5句话 我来答
what do you wear in each season?
What are you wearing in different seasons?
What do you wear in each different season?
What clothes you wear in different seasons?
what kinds(types)of clothes you usually wear in each different season?
1. In spring, I wear light jackets, T-shirts, and jeans.2. During summer, I prefer tank tops, shorts, and sandals.3. In autumn, cozy sweaters, long pants, and boots are my go-to attire.4. For winter, I layer with heavy coats, scarves, and gloves.5. My seasonal dres...
it is spring here , we are wearing sweaters and coats .
My homeown has four distinctive seasons.In spring ,the climate is warm ,and my family often get together to go for an outing in early spring .In summer,the weather is so hot, and I like to swim in the pool .In autumn,The cool wind make the leaf fall dowm,and I like ...
但这风风火火却远不能掩盖季节的丰富内涵,大街上,涌动的人流,以五颜六色的衣妆,汇成横亘天地间的七色彩虹,描绘着生活美不胜收的诗情画意。 63、树叶黄了,一片一片落下来。有的落在草地上,小草说:谢谢树伯伯送我一把大黄伞,盖在我头上,霜就打不着我了。有的落在水沟里,像一叶叶小舟,漂到很远很远的地方...
季节的英文作文 5句话 要翻译 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急火速 555555
the climate of China, a year is divided into four seasons, namely the spring, summer, autumn and winter; And for tropical grassland only wet and dry conditions. In frigid that is not only in winter, even if the north and south poles can also tell the four seasons....