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The Charm of Qipao,a Traditional Chinese Dress

“Cool” to flourish in the new century, many minds are still filled with a deep sense of nostalgic feeling cheongsam and higher Duijin Chinese costume displays are good; from attachment to the soul of China Yi Yi, Relaxation of personality, taste and possession revealed that the people left unforgettable impression. Duijin Chinese costume craze come to an end, the layers of promoting people’s fashion dream.

A home refined elegance cheongsams store, capture the attention of pedestrians; When the light redeem Miss models were dressed in colorful Xiangzhu sergeant jade Ruanduan dresses, exciting looking. Age is the Manchu woman’s dress, by the Qing immersed centuries, Chinese women have become the main specific era costumes.

Moreover, from a variety of materials, in-kind, literature, it can be seen until the beginning of the 20th century, “flag or” dress is still very popular one of the fashionable dress. Flag equipped mainly by the gowns, jacket coat, skirts, pants, vest, and so on, while the Sleeveless dresses is the first long form of the vest. Then Clothes clemency dresses, waist straight, as long as adequate clothing, plus many inlaid rolling, because of the type of clothing line Implicit Body people will see a traditional-style cover America. In 1926, Duanao long vest with the merger, which is “cheongsam” prototype, and the cuff placed gowns decorated with lotus leaf lace; 1927 Hexiebian removed, the true colors are displayed in cheongsams. When Soong Ching Ling wearing his customary new improved silk dresses appeared in the national government Hankow parade reviewing stand. Almost overnight, new dresses it has taken sides. After this, the cheongsam fashion has been under a number of improvements. As a traditional dresses and special clothing products, the value of their cultural connotation of beauty, the aesthetic value of the unique beauty, make it since ancient times, in the vast river of Chinese civilization has a special and prominent position.

100 years ago, the dresses, flowers of a century ago, after 100 years is still miraculous. In recent years, all kinds of cheongsam, I began to enter the unusual people. Dresses in the new structure retains the female chest, waist and hip Body prominent beautiful curves, detail respecting tradition, but also color, Tailoring, into the mix, a new flavor of the times. CAPITAL probably because of the historical and cultural background, seem to Chongqing on traditional Chinese cheongsam dress fond, especially favored.

Wearing dresses the girls both Chongqing city flavor, with classical female Xianchu Charm. Dresses, Chinoiserie, Oriental charm, its exquisite purity and refinement of a curve, curl graceful posture, his stunning. Fashion in great haste, only dresses charm lasts forever!
中国民族服饰介绍 英文 好的送分!!
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Today is Sunday, so Peter doesn’t go out. He asks his parents about the traditional Chinese clothes. Mother tells him that Qipao is the traditional dress of China. Qipao is usually made of silk. Sometimes Qipao is made of cotton. Many women in the West like it very much to...
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came to be called "qipao" or "banner dress." Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with later improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women.Easy to slip on and comfortable...