
用英语卖衣服 我来答
1 欢迎光临“雅格尔” welcome to "ya ge er"(我不知道你们店的名字英语)
2 您想买什么样的衣服? what type are you looking for?
3 我们这里现在全部特价销售,非常便宜,有茄克和羊毛衫,原价是……现价是…… All clothes are on sale now, very good price. Jackets and knitted sweater. It was....now it is...
4 茄克是棉涤的;长丝加棉的;涤纶加锦纶的;纯棉的。羊毛衫是羊绒羊毛的,含95%的羊毛和5%羊绒。这几个我不知道。你可以对着标签上的成分念。纯棉:100% cotton. 句型都是this is made of.....其他几个词等下帮你查字典
5 我感觉这款挺适合您的。 i think this fits you good
6 最小号是170的,最大号是190。biggest size we got is 170, smallest is 190
7 我感觉您穿这个有点小;有点大;有点肥;有点瘦。 I think it is a little too small/big/loose/tight for you,
8 您可以试试这款半大衣,它的下摆相对茄克要宽松一些,我感觉您应该能穿上。 you can try this coat on, its between long coat and jackat, the lower part is looser than a jacket, i think it will fit you.
9 不好意思,这个是最大号了,没有比这个更大的了。 sorry, this is the biggest one we got.
10 我感觉您穿这款非常合身也很好看。 i think this one really looks good on you
11 这款是290元,您是交现金还是划信用卡?请到收银台交款,收银台从这里直走左边就看到了。或者我可以帮您交付。 this is 290 yuan. Cash or credit card? please go to the cashier to check out. you can go straight and it will be on your left. or i can do it for you
12 厕所从这里直走到头向左拐,然后再直走到头向右拐就看到了。 the rest room is that way, go straight to the end , turn left, keep going and turn right at the end, you'll see it
13 我们商场现在店庆,所有商品都在做促销,还有送券活动,比如满4000送800等等。您可以多挑几件喜欢的买下来,非常的实惠。 its anniversary in our store, all the goodies are on sale and we also have coupon rebate. when you buy 4000 you ll get a 800 coupon rebate. You could pick up a few, its reallly a good price
14 谢谢光临,请慢走,欢迎您下次光临。 thank you for the busness. take care, welcome back
15 这款有三个颜色:军绿色,驼色,咖啡色,藏蓝色,灰色。这个颜色比那个颜色浅一点,深一点。 there are 3 different colors(4 ge4 ba!)olive drab green, camel, coffee, navy and gray, this one is lighter/darker than the other.
16 茄克有好多款式,这件穿起来会看着很精神。there are many different types jackets. this one really lifts up the spirit.
17 这边转过去从电梯可以上五楼。五楼是运动装。 you can turn here and take the elevator to the fifth floor. sports clothing are there.
18 稍等一下,我给您找一下合适您的号码。wait a second, i will find your size
19 很抱歉,没有175这个号码了。要不您过两天再来,要不您稍等一下,我打个电话让送货的给送过来一件。 sorry, we sold out size 175. could you come back in a couple days or could you wait a little bit when i made a phonecall to have one delivered here now.
20 试衣间在这里,请保管好您的贵重物品。 here's the fitting room. please keep an eye on your valuable belongings.
21 这层全部是男装,这里有很多名牌男装,西南角是裤装区。 men's clothes are on this floor. many designed clothes, famous brands. in the southwest corner you can find pants.
1 Welcome to "Ya Geer"
2 What do you want to buy clothes?
3 Now here we are all special sales, very cheap, jacket and sweater, is the original price is the price ... ... ... ...
4 The jacket is Miandi; long filament of cotton; of nylon polyester plus; of cotton. Wool sweater is cashmere, with 95% and 5% wool cashmere.
5 I feel this quite right for you.
6 No. 170 is the smallest and the largest number is 190.
7 I feel that you wear a little small; a little big; a little fat; a little thin.
8 You can try this coat and a half, the relative lap of the jacket to a number of liberal, I feel you should be able to put on.
9 I am sorry, this is the biggest, and there is no greater than this.
10 I feel you wear this very well see fit.
11 It is 290 yuan, you are designated to pay cash or credit card? Please checkout payment, the cashier straight from here on the left side of the saw. Or I can help you to deliver.
12 Toilet straight from here to the end to the left, go straight to the end and then turn right on the saw.
13 We are now shopping Anniversary, all goods have to do promotion, but also to send coupons, for example, over 4000 to send 800 and so on. You can pick a few more like to buy down the very real benefits.
14 Thank you, walking, the next time you visit.
15 It has three colors: army green, light tan, brown, dark blue, gray. The colors than the color of the light that is deep.
16 There are a lot of style jacket, this will be looked up through a very spiritual.
17 Turn from the past here on the fifth floor of the elevator can be. On the fifth floor is sportswear.
18 Wait, I look to you to find you the right number.
19 Sorry, not the number of 175. Or you come back in two days, or you can wait a bit longer, I make a phone call to allow delivery of up to send one.
20 Fitting room in here, please keep your valuables.
21 This layer is all the men, there are a lot of brand-name men's, the southwest corner is the pants area.
sell clothes
sell clothes 希望对你有所帮助,有不会的可以再问,祝学习进步!您的及时采纳是对答题者的尊重!
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你需要什么尺码的呢? What size do you prefer? large/middle/small size(大中小号)你需要什么颜色的呢? What colour do you want?这件衣服很适合你. It's very nice on you./It's fit you.二、各类男装料子和类型的英语表达如下:介绍料子的术语有:纱线Yarns 棉及其混纺纱线 Cotton, Cotton...
sell cloths 是卖布吧,楼上那位。小摊店面卖衣服:sell clothes 具体的卖什么衣服或是那种具体行业有所不同。