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卖衣服100字英文广告词 我来答
Zhen Zhen clothes store sells pants, T-shirts, hats, socks and skirts. We have red and blue pants. The price of red pants is twenty dollars and the price of blue pants is thirty dollars. If you buy more than five pairs of pants, you will have a twenty percent discount. Our T-shirts have five different colors. They are red, orange, green, blue and yellow. Each T-shirt cost ten dollars. If you buy five different T-shirt, you can enjoy a thirty percent discount. We also sell hats and every hat is sold at fifteen dollars. A pair of socks in this shop is five dollars. We also have pretty skirts. Each skirt cost ten dollars. If you buy more than one-hundred-dollar clothes in total, you can receive a twenty-dollar voucher. Why are you waiting? Come to Zhen Zhen clothes store as quickly as you can!
Come to Zhen Zhen clothes store as quickly as you can!
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Goodbuy Winter! 100%Cotton Knitwear $40 这是一则冬季服装削价出售的广告。从字面上看,是指物美价廉的一桩划算的好买卖。但当读者把Goodbuy 与 winter 连起来读的时候,才懂得该广告暗藏玄机,妙语双关。它似乎在向人们昭示:寒冷的冬天即将过去,明媚的春天就要到来(Goodbye winter!)。本公司...
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