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她穿着什么颜色的鞋?用英语中的in怎么说 我来答
上面第一个不说了 错 第二个说她整个人在鞋子里。。。 in what color is the shose she's wearing
What shoes does she wear in color?
What color of shoes is she in?
what color of shoes is she in?
上面第一个不说了 错 第二个说她整个人在鞋子里。。。 in what color is the shose she's wearing
用in表示穿了一双鞋, 那么in 和穿没关系,和地点状语有关系,表在什么场合穿:wear a pair of shoes in somewhere She wears a pair of black leather shoes in office.她在办公室穿了一双黑皮鞋。She wears a pair of sports shoes in PE class.她在体育课上穿一双运动鞋。
穿着一双黑色的鞋子英语是(he‘s)in a pair of black shoes吗?是用in还是on?
用in,表示穿着都用in,如:He is in a yellow shirt.Miss Yang is in a yellow skirt
一个英语问题 介词in和介词with在表示穿什么衣服和wear,put on的区别
一般来说,"in" 更多指衣服的内部部位,如衬衫、内裤、袜子、裤腿等等。例如:- I put on a new shirt in the morning.(早上我穿了一件新衬衫。)- She always wears a t-shirt inside her sweater.(她总是在毛衣里面穿着一件T恤。)而"with" 更多指衣服的配饰,如配件、鞋子、帽子等等。...
她穿着一条红色的连衣裙和白色的鞋子。 She wears a red dress and white shoes.【辨析一】wear 意为“穿着(制服、牛仔裤、鞋子等);戴着(帽子、眼镜等);围着(围巾等)”;wear后跟表示“服装、鞋帽”等的名词时,相当于be in。上句 = She is in a red dress and white shoes.【...