- 直接做五分裤啊 现在又上夏天 而且今年也流行男孩子穿短裤 时尚 又简单 如果喜欢正装点的就找人改 收裤脚 喜欢个性的 就在家用尺子量着剪掉就OK
- Diesel裤型资料
稍微解释下: Tapered 就是锥型的意思, Straight和BOOTCUT 相信大家都该知道
打个比方 SLAMMER: Slightly tapered leg, very slim fit, mid rise.
就是裤型 slammer, 具体特征就是轻度锥腿, 修身,中腰
Currently made popular Diesel cuts: MALE
(from tightest to loosest)
SLAMMER: Slightly tapered leg, very slim fit, mid rise.
ONIJO: Slightly tapered leg, quite slim fit, mid/high rise.
PADDOM: Slightly tapered leg, regular fit, mid/high rise. Low crotch and slightly narrowed leg for an avantgarde fit. Safety zip front pockets with secret hidden back pockets.
(from tightest to loosest)
GLOOVY: Extremely slim cut straight leg. "Cigarette leg" and "Denim leggings" have been used to describe this cut. Tighter than THANAZ.
THANAZ: Straight leg, extremely slim fit, loose waist.
TIMMEN: Straight leg, slim fit, high rise.
SAFADO: Straight leg, slim fit, low rise, has a semi-hidden small right back pocket near waistband.
VIKER: Straight leg, slim fit, low rise. Back pockets spaced further apart.
YARIK (B): Straight leg, regular fit, very low front rise/medium back rise. Zip pockets.
REVICK: Chino styled denim jean.
LARKEE: Straight leg, regular fit, mid/high rise.
LEVAN: Straight leg, regular fit, mid/high rise.
QURATT: Straight leg, relaxed fit.
(from tightest to loosest)
ZATINY: Smaller bootcut than Zathan, slim fit, low rise. Zathan's successor.
ZATHAN: Bootcut, slim fit, low rise.
TROULEG: Very slight bootcut, regular/slim fit, medium rise, runs long and big.
ZAF SPECIAL: slim fit (closer to Zathan than Zaf), medium/low rise, smaller leg opening than Zaf (similar size to Zathan).
SHAZOR: Bootcut, quite slim fit, mid rise, twisted inseam.
KOFFHA: Bootcut (bigger than Zathan, smaller than Zaf), regular fit, low rise.
ZAF: Flare, regular-to-slim fit, medium/low rise.
Currently made popular Diesel cuts: FEMALE
(from tightest to loosest)
MATIC: super low rise, tailored yoke, peg leg, skinny jean.
CLUSH: low rise, skinny jean, low placement of back pockets, tapered. Pockets are long and pointed.
BRUCKE: high waisted, skinny jean, tapered leg, 80's inspired
(from tightest to loosest)
LIV: medium/low rise, slim fit, straight leg.
LOWKY: straight leg, low rise, tailored thong-like yoke, super slim fit.
ROKKET: low rise skinny jean, leather pockets, seam down the back of the leg
BEBEL: medium rise, straight leg, looser fit than lowky.
EASEE: Relaxed straight leg, Boyfriend Cut
(from tightest to loosest)
RYOTH: super low rise, bootcut, low placement of back pockets
LOUVE: super low rise, 70's porno flare leg, run super small.
HUSH DS: medium/low rise, slight boot cut, square front pockets
CHEROCK: successor to cherone, ultra-low waist, mini-boot, wide waistband.
LOUVELY: super low rise, smaller flare/boot
LOWKY BC: bootcut (flared) version of lowky
RONHAR: medium rise, bootcut
DOOZY: Medium rise, "boyfriend cut", very slight bootcut.
BEBEL B.C.: medium rise, bootcut version of bebel.
PACEE: Cuffed flare, wide leg, medium fit, oversized back pocket.
COSTY: Knitted rib panel over the calf which ends at the ankle, chino pockets.
JOYZE: Elasticated trouser hem, loose fit, chino pockets.
Mens' cuts:
ARKER F.P.: Slightly tapered leg, "comfort fit", double "jet" back pockets with zippers.
BACKLER: Bootcut, low rise, no belt loops.
BETHOW: Straight leg, slim fit, medium/low rise.
BRADDO: Medium/low rise, slim fit, straight leg.
BUMIX: Straight leg, regular fit, medium rise.
BUSKY: Straight leg, loose fit, straght/T-yoke construction, square-like plain back pockets (Worker jean inspired)
CARDIEL: Slight bootcut, regular fit, low rise, no left back pocket.
CHEYENNE: Straight leg, "comfort fit".
CHIBOX: Straight leg, relaxed fit, medium/low rise.
CHINEW: "Trouser style" jean.
CLERBY: Flared leg, slim fit, low rise, rounded yoke.
DARDY: Straight leg, slim fit, flap pockets.
DIGBY: Straight leg, slim fit.
FANKER: Mini bootcut, slim fit, high/medium rise, zip fly.
FARCO: Straight leg, slim fit, low rise. Zip pocket.
GLOOVY: Extremely slim cut straight leg. Tighter than Thanaz.
JEEVES: Straight leg, regular fit, mid/high rise, angled front pockets.
KAJO: Straight leg, regular fit, medium/low rise. "Easy to put hands in" front pockets. Inner leg seam twisting at the front. T-bar yoke contruction to give a flattering back lift.
KEETAR: "Anti-fit" seat, low waist, regular fit.
KOFFHA: Bootcut (bigger than Zathan, smaller than Zaf), regular fit, low rise.
KRATT: Straight leg, relaxed fit.
KULTER: Straight leg, low rise, relaxed fit.
KURATT: Straight leg, relaxed fit.
LARKEE: Straight leg, regular fit, mid/high rise.
LEMMEN: Straight leg, regular fit, high rise.
LEVAN: Straight leg, regular fit, mid/high rise.
LOOXE: Straight leg, relaxed fit, regular rise.
LUGGER: Tapered, low rise.
MACROWILL: Straight leg, relaxed fit.
MOORIX: Straight leg, regular fit, square front pockets.
MURRAN: Medium rise, straight leg.
ONIJO: Slightly tapered leg, quite slim fit, mid/high rise.
PADDOM: Slightly tapered leg, regular fit, mid/high rise. Low crotch and slightly narrowed leg for an avantgarde fit. Safety zip front pockets with secret hidden back pockets.
PIKE: The best cut Diesel has ever made. Something like very relaxed fit, tapered leg.
PREETO: Boot cut (trumpet type)
QURATT: Straight leg, relaxed fit.
RABOX: Straight leg, slim/regular fit, low rise, double button waist band.
RANKER: Medium rise, relaxed fit, straight leg.
RAVI: Loose fit, low rise, bootcut.
RAVIX: Bootcut, regular/slim fit, low rise, enlarged square back pockets.
RECUT: Twisted inseam, low rise, straight leg.
RESLIM: Slightly tapered leg, slim fit, low rise.
REVICK: Chino styled denim jean.
RIOHMA: see Farco.
RIVEC: Low rise, loose fit, straight leg.
ROODY: Slight bootcut, regular fit, medium/low rise, grandpa style front pockets.
ROTUCK: Flare.
ROXE: Low rise, slim fit, square back pockets, striaght leg.
RUMBUM: Straight leg, baggy/relaxed fit, mid/low rise.
SAFADO: Straight leg, slim fit, low rise, has a semi-hidden small right back pocket near waistband.
SHAZOR: Bootcut, quite slim fit, mid rise, twisted inseam.
SLAMMER: Slightly tapered leg, very slim fit, mid rise.
SLYLOW SP: Inseam zippers, button flap pockets.
THANAZ: Straight leg, extremely slim fit.
TIINER: Straight leg, slim fit, low rise chino style band.
TIMMEN: Straight leg, slim fit, high rise.
TROULEG: Very slight bootcut, regular/slim fit, medium rise, runs long and big.
VIKER: Straight leg, slim fit, low rise. Back pockets spaced further apart.
WOODLY: Medium rise, regular fit, straight leg.
X-ROTUCK: Extreme flared leg, slim fit, ultra low rise, double button.
YARIK (B): Straight leg, regular fit, very low front rise/medium back rise. Zip pockets.
ZAF: Flare, regular-to-slim fit, medium/low rise.
ZAF SPECIAL: slim fit (closer to Zathan than Zaf), medium/low rise, smaller leg opening than Zaf (similar size to Zathan).
ZAPOX: Slim fit, straight leg, low rise, zip fly.
ZATHAN: Bootcut, slim fit, low rise.
ZATINY: Smaller bootcut than Zathan, slim fit, low rise. Zathan's successor.
ZAVOR: Straight leg, slim fit, medium/low rise.
ZIPRIO: See Farco.
Womens' cuts:
BEBEL: medium rise, straight leg, looser fit than lowky.
BEBEL B.C.: medium rise, bootcut version of bebel.
BLAME: Medium rise, large flare.
BOOTIK: Trouser style.
BRUCKE: high waisted, skinny jean, tapered leg, 80's inspired
CAYRE: Loose upper fit, tapered.
CHELA: Low rise, straight leg, slim fit.
CHEROCK: successor to cherone, ultra-low waist, mini-boot, wide waistband.
CHERONE: Low waist, slim cut, double button closure.
CLUSH: low rise, skinny jean, low placement of back pockets, tapered.
COSTY: Knitted rib panel over the calf which ends at the ankle, chino pockets.
DAZE: Very low rise, slim fit, flare, no back pockets.
DOOZY: Medium rise, "boyfriend cut", very slight bootcut.
DOSH: Ultra low rise, mini-bootcut, wide leg.
EASEE: Relaxed straight leg, Boyfriend Cut
EGO: Low rise, straight leg.
FIKUS: Slim fit, bootcut, low rise.
HIPPER: High waist, belt, flare, slim fit.
HUSH: medium/low rise, straight leg, square front pocks
HUSH DS: medium/low rise, slight boot cut, square front pockets
JOYZE: Elasticated trouser hem, loose fit, chino pockets.
JUNNIE: Tapered.
KEATE: Straight leg.
KYCUT: Low waist, Regular-slim fit, Slight bootcut leg
LAMBRY: Regular fit, flared leg.
LIV: medium/low rise, slim fit, straight leg.
LOUVE: super low rise, 70's porno flare leg, run super small.
LOUVELY: super low rise, smaller flare/boot
LOWKY: straight leg, low rise, tailored thong-like yoke, super slim fit.
LOWKY BC: bootcut (flared) version of lowky
MATIC: super low rise, tailored yoke, peg leg, skinny jean.
MOONIE: Straight leg.
NADAR: relaxed straight leg ultra low rise
PACEE: Cuffed flare, wide leg, medium fit, oversized back pocket.
RAME: Bootcut, medium/low rise, slim fit.
RECKFLY: Mini bootcut.
RECKFLY SPECIAL: Straight leg.
RIDEN: Low rise, slim through knees, breaks into a small bootcut
RIPPY: Regular fit, tapered.
ROKKET: low rise skinny jean, leather pockets, seam down the back of the leg
RONHAR: medium rise, bootcut
RYOTH: super low rise, bootcut, low placement of back pockets
SCANTY: Extremely high rise, small bootcut, wide leg.
SKINT: Low rise, straight leg.
SLEEVY: Bootcut, regular fit.
STENX: Medium rise, flare.
STRIPP: Bootcut, wide leg, belt/dart insert, very low rise.
TOOLOOP: Straight leg, no back pockets, double belt loop.
WIGGY: Updated version of HIPPER - large belt loops, flare.
WONNHA: High waist, flare.
ZEROX: Straight leg, slim fit, very low rise.
ZHARX: Bootcut, slim fit.
ZINK: Mini bootcut, slim fit, low rise.
- 拿裤脚在打磨机轻磨,力度同另一裤脚相同,就可以了
- 如果你的新裤子是轻微洗水的话,建议不要用太尖锐的工具进行磨边,可以家里洗衣服的刷子或是用刷鞋的刷子慢慢刷就行了,加上再穿几次就协调了。如果买来就是裤边带有破损效果的严重洗水款式,根据裤子的整体效果,用小刀先在裤边挑出一些小孔,再用磨刀石进行暴力打磨,也可以用铁丝、剪刀尖等尖锐器物...
- 2. 如果牛仔裤的洗水程度较轻,使用尖锐的工具来磨边可能会对裤子造成损害。在这种情况下,可以使用家中的洗衣刷或鞋刷轻轻刷磨边缘。3. 经过几次穿着后,裤子的边缘会自然地变得柔和协调。4. 如果牛仔裤已经有了一定的破损和洗水效果,可以根据裤子的整体风格,用小刀在裤边扎孔。5. 接下来,使用磨...
- 1. 如果你希望改善牛仔裤裁边后的不自然边缘,可以尝试自己动手处理。2. 找一个水泥制的洗衣池,将牛仔裤放在池边。3. 在磨边的过程中,要注意保持一定的湿度,也就是说要带水磨。4. 干磨可能会导致边缘更加不自然,所以一定要避免这种方法。
- 10、剪开小口后,用剪刀的锋利部分沿着边缘来回打磨,如图所示,以制作磨边的最终效果。11、最后,穿上短裤看看效果,如图所示,旧牛仔裤成功改造成了时尚的磨边短裤。
- 1、准备一个不锈钢刮刨,厨房里刮土豆丝的小工具就很好。用刮刨在需要磨破的牛仔裤上擦刮,也可以用剪刀和刀片切割。常见的部位有膝盖、裤脚、臀部等,横向切割、垂直切割;2、切割后的牛仔裤放在洗衣机里运行一个正常周期,这样牛仔裤看起来更自然,如果想更多的磨损和撕裂,可以重复1所述步骤;3、...