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关于古希腊服装的英文原著 我来答
Ancient Greek Costume
An Annotated Bibliography, 1784-2005

Linda Jones Roccos

Print ISBN: 978-0-7864-2774-1

175pp. softcover 2006
About the Book
Costume production distinguishes early civilization from the Paleolithic era as much as architectural production. Costume transcends boundaries, as it first unites and then divides mankind. The mode of dress differentiates friend from foe and peasant from prince. Changes in the appearance and types of garments through the ages are a significant indicator of social, economic and chronological changes.

This annotated bibliography of 603 references, taken from monographs, dissertations, festschrifts, periodicals, encyclopedias and handbooks, is the most comprehensive research tool for the subject of ancient Greek costume. This subject is of increasing interest to scholars in many fields, including archaeology and anthropology, art and art history, classics, drama, history, ancient literature, even modern literature. The references in this bibliography range from the encyclopedia entry to the monograph, and show a variety of themes: women’s dress, men’s dress, foreign dress, accessories, jewelry, headdresses, theater dress, textile production and literary evidence.

About the Author
Associate professor Linda Jones Roccos is a reference and instruction librarian and the coordinator of electronic resources at the College of Staten Island Library, City University of New York. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
An Annotated Bibliography, 1784-2005 Linda Jones Roccos Print ISBN: 978-0-7864-2774-1 index 175pp. softcover 2006 About the Book Costume production distinguishes early civilization from the Paleolithic era as much as architectural production. Costume transcends boundaries, as it first unit...
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