- 巧合or刻意,为什么苏东坡的3个妻子全都姓王?
- 其实是巧合,而且本身苏东坡的三任妻子都与苏东坡有所联系。第一任妻子王弗是苏东坡老师的女儿,第二任妻子王闰之是王弗的表妹,第三任妻子王朝云是苏东坡的仆人。苏东坡在年轻的时候离家求学,来到了当时颇有名望的中年书院学习。书院的老师王方十分器重苏东坡,认为他觉悟高聪明智慧,将来必成大器。所以王...
- 巧合的英语
- 5、生活中巧合很多。Life is full of coincidences。6、不管是计划好的还是巧合,他对时机的把握堪称完美。Whether by design or accident his timing was perfect。7、如与真人、真实地点或真实事件有雷同之处,纯属巧合。Any resemblance to actual persons,places or events is purely coincidental。
- 怎样表达“机缘巧合”[2010求解
- “巧合”不等于“机遇”天上掉馅饼的事,是一次coincidence,更是你的good luck,不可能每次都有馅饼砸到你头上,但只要你做好准备,提升自己,opportunity随处都是。chance 机会 The happening of things without any apparent cause or intention She heard about the job by chance from someone she met...
- “是巧合,还是天在捉弄我”的英语是什么
- Is that just a coincidence, or is god playing with me?
- Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck 翻译
- 万事皆有因果,没有单纯的巧合或运气的好坏
- synchronicity和coincidence有什么区别?
- 1。巧合;巧合的事 What a coincidence that I was in Paris at the same time as you!"我在巴黎时你也正在那里,多巧啊!"2。一致;符合 synchronicity n.[心]同步性,同时发生 The state or fact of being synchronous or simultaneous; synchronism.同步性:同时发生或同时存在的状态或事实;同时...
- 关于成功的英语短文阅读
- 英语美文可以用来涵养学生心灵,培养学生的想象能力,为学生提供写作素材,并可用来提供写作技巧方面的借鉴。本文是关于成功的英语短文,希望对大家有帮助!关于成功的英语短文:关于获得成功 On Achieving Success We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line. We must make our business...
- 美的力量双语美文
- 接下来,我给大家准备了美的力量双语美文,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 美的力量双语美文 1. One of the most successful, influential and 1)beloved women in American history, Eleanor Roosevelt once said that she had one regret: she wished she had been prettier. Who hasn't felt the same way? We are ...
- 《雾都孤儿》情节的巧合
- 摘要: 英国著名批判现实主义作家狄更斯所著《雾都孤儿》,其创作的特点之一是多处情节的巧合。从《雾都孤儿》创作背景、发表形式、狄更斯的激进思想、独特的创作风格以及坚定的善恶有报的信念等四个方面作以全面、系统地分析,以此说明情节的巧合是这部小说的优势。 关键词:巧合;奇遇;优势 Oliver Twist is Charles Dick...
- Coincidence什么意思
- 那样的巧合实在太离奇了.8. Hello there, what a coincidence!你好,真巧啊!英英解释:名词coincidence:1. an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental 同义词:happenstance 2. the quality of occupying the same position or area in space 3. the temporal property ...