- privé 是什么服装品牌?
- BE.PRIVÉ是BASIC集团旗下的高级定制品牌,basic house,中文叫百家好,是韩国品牌。品牌以华夏五千年文化为理念依托,设计团队则云集来自法国、意大利、德国、巴西、西班牙、中国及香港地区的优秀设计师,将不同背景文化的时尚融合,使得BE.PRIVÉ品牌定制魅力既有来自中国文化的底蕴优势,又有来自世界...
- 美国有哪些著名的旗袍企业
- 亲 你好 美国有著名的旗袍企业有BE.PRIVE东方神韵时尚旗袍。
- 国际商务谈判技巧
- 释义法就是用自己的话把对方的话解释一遍,并询句对方我们的理解是否正确。例如,对方说:“Wewouldacceptpriveifyoucouldmodifyyourspecifications.”我们可以说:“IfIunderstandyoucorrectly,whatyouarereallysayingisthatyouagreetoacceptourpriceifweimproveourproductasyourequest.”这样做的另一个好处是可以加深对方对这个问...
- 请大家帮忙解答下几道英语题!!~~
- 2. to have priveded 不定式的完成式指先期(ask 以前)提供 3. 我们计划在主要在本月底前(提前)提供你们要求得信息,但是我们可能抽不出时间去准备。2. It is recommended that the project---until all the preparations have been made.答案:C not be started 解析:1. It is recommended ...
- 帮忙把下列英文的主动语态改为被动语态
- 1.Some advice were given to student by teacher. 2.Something should be done to improve the environment. 3.Air pollution is caused mainly by waste gases from cars. 4.The hall has been cleaned for the party.
- armani prive香水多少钱?阿玛尼贵族香水系列
- armani prive香水多少钱 2004年,也就是Hermessence系列上市的同年,Armani推出了Prive系列,首先是四种香水上市,分别为Eau de Jade、Pierre de Lune、Ambre Soie和Bois D’Encens。这个系列的香水有6款:水波翡翠(Eau de Jade)、月光润石(Pierre de Lune)、琥珀丝绸(Ambre Soie)、木质焚香(Bois d'...
- 翻译韩语歌词party tonight,把歌中韩文翻译成罗马拼音
- 【dragostea e o privelişte obişnuită prea strălucitor noaptea.】이렇게【deci】직진【du - te direct.】go직진【du - te direct.】let's gogogo come on come on and rock this party 내가...
- hennessy prive
- Hennessy Privé is a premium cognac from the renowned Hennessy brand. It is a blend of eaux-de-vie (water of life) that are aged for at least 30 years. This results in a rich, smooth and complex cognac with notes of vanilla, dried fruit, and spices. It is meant to be ...
- 有什么显白又好看的指甲油可以购买?
- 10 Rose Prive:复古玫瑰色,既显白又充满高级感,适合成熟女性。16 Beige Ensemble:奶茶色,温柔又百搭,适合各种肤色。Dior 迪奥 指甲油:908 Coup De Cœur:橘粉色,元气满满又显白,非常适合春夏季节。977 Smoky Blue:烟熏蓝,独特又显白,适合追求个性的人群。完美日记 指甲油:MOH10 ...
- 英语厉害的来
- every year, the efforts we can do,to keep our homeland--earth, the only earth--beautiful always.bad a good time,没听说过;是不是have a good time?玩的开心的意思=enjoy xxx, have pleasure of xxx be keen on,就是喜欢xxx= like doing something, = enjoy doning something;...