- 外交界用词「sherpas」有什么含义?
- Sherpas,这一词源自于尼泊尔东部的当地居民,以在喜马拉雅山脉中为登山者携带补给和向导而闻名。此词在外交界的运用,巧妙地借用了其原意,指的是在首脑峰会筹备过程中,幕后工作者的角色。在外交会议的筹备阶段,Sherpas通常指的是首脑的内阁成员、在东道国的大使、礼宾官、政务官以及使馆的工作人员等。这...
- TAGS: SHERPAS 阅读:7402次 发表于:2024-09-02
- sherpa的中文
- n. 夏尔巴人(西藏的一个种族)复数sherpa或 sherpas
- TAGS: SHERPAS 阅读:7402次 发表于:2014-05-31
- 这段话中Sherpa 的准确意思?我认为决不是夏尔巴人的意思!
- The name sherpa - without further context - refers to sherpas for the G8 summit but the designation can be spread for different regular conferences where the participation of the respective head of state is required. In France Jean-David Levitte is sherpa for the G8 and Pascal La...
- TAGS: SHERPAS 阅读:7402次 发表于:2009-09-29
- 十个杰出少年有哪些
- 13岁少年Jordan Romero已经成为了最年轻的登顶埃非勒斯峰的少年。他与他的父亲、女朋友和一直Sherpas队伍一起完成了登山任务。因为年龄的限制他们不能从尼泊尔那边攀登,整个队伍决定从中国开始然后以一个更加复杂的路线结束此次攀登。 4、 Cameron Johnson: 以6位数金额卖掉自己网站的少年 15岁的Cameron Johnson正在收到每...
- TAGS: SHERPAS 阅读:7402次 发表于:2010-10-16
- 咩叫高山反应?
- 尼泊尔的雪巴人 (Sherpas 或夏尔巴人) 的确天生能适应四、五千米这样的高度,但尼泊尔山区还住有很多其他民族,没有与生俱来对高地的适应。挑夫背着重负走上四、五千米其实可以很危险,间中会发生挑夫因高山症命丧路上的悲剧。 5. 我以往曾乘车/缆车到过某高地游览没有异样,我不会有高山反应。 高山反应往往会在...
- TAGS: SHERPAS 阅读:7402次 发表于:2022-10-23
- 珠穆朗玛峰的英文资料
- Because the freedoms of Sherpas have been restricted by the park rules, they have not been sympathetic to the existence of the park. Additionally, the Sagarmatha Pollution Control, funded by the World Wildlife Fund and the Himalayan Trust, was established in 1991 to help preserve Everest’s ...
- TAGS: SHERPAS 阅读:7402次 发表于:2007-02-23
- 英语课的读书笔记摘抄,关于尼泊尔,求助!
- environment, and economy of the Himalayan region. Sherpas, well known for assisting as guides on Himalayan treks and mountain-climbing expeditions, benefit from Nepal’s growing popularity as a tourist destination.A unique part of Nepal’s economy are the famous Gurkha mercenaries. Beginn...
- TAGS: SHERPAS 阅读:7402次 发表于:2006-12-30
- 以sh开头,以s结尾。中间加两个字母的英文单词
- shads shags shahs shams ·shans ·shaws shays sheas sheds shets shew shies shims shins ships ·shirs ·shivs ·shoes shogs shoo shops shots ·shows shuls shuns shuts·shacks shades shafts shakes shakos shales shalms shamas shames shamos shamus shands shanks shapes shards shared sh...
- TAGS: SHERPAS 阅读:7402次 发表于:2014-10-21